It’s called real estate profession, and it is not an improvised job.

Basically, you can rely on the Civil Code: “a mediator [so the realtor as well] the person who takes two or more parties towards the sealing of a deal, without being linked to neither one by a collaboration, employment or representing relationship”.

Of course, there are both the Civil Code and the and the subscription to the register of the enterprises to define a professional realtor, at least on paper. But there are deeper values that must always drive his work and that in the end, really define a real estate agent: they are ethic and responsibility.

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Why is work ethic so important?

It is simple: because with his behavior the realtor can influence on the dynamics of the real estate market. A behavior that is not okay, not conscious nor guided by a clear work ethic will always reveal itself to be dangerous, even outside of the tight borders of the single negotiation.

The key points of work ethic

We start with neutrality, or impartiality. The realtor must protect both parties’ interests, not taking anyone’s side. What does this mean? It means that, by being clever, the realtor will have to say no from time to time to certain requests, that might ruin his reputation, the one of the parties in question or even the market’s.

Then there is the duty to inform, defined by the Civil Code as well, that thrusts upon the realtor the following requests:

  • The correct evaluation of the property
  • The request to ask the seller for every document and all the information about the property
  • An objective presentation of the property to a potential buyer, showing him possible flawed features.
  • The request to show the buyer the situation of the property as it is shown by the Register of the real estate files.
  • The request to show both parties involved the notary’s and the fiscal costs.

Scrupulosity. The realtor must go through the so-called extra mile. Of course, there are people who have specific tasks (like the verification of the mortgage status or the distraint of the property, which is the notary’s job). But doing more means responding even better to the request to inform.

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Being a responsible realtor

The responsibility on the real estate market is simply the mix of values from above, filtered with love and respect for our own job and experience gained on the pitch.

Immobiliare Santalfredo is proud to say that its realtors work in full respect of ethic and responsibility.

Impartiality, completing the request to inform, scrupulosity, presence by the side of the parties involved until the moment of the stipulation: with Immobilare Santalfredo’s realtors your property is in more careful hands.

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